“Not to mention all of history, in which the sentimentalization of motherhood has been the dominant story we’ve told about women and their presumed biological destiny.”

This. 🙏🏼

I’m so outside the corporate world that I barely understand what PR is so ignore anything and everything here, but my sense is that it’s spin. A way to prop something up, show it in a certain light to influence decisions and perceptions.

My feeling has been, since becoming a mother, my responsibility to myself and to others has been to be honest about all of it. There is no spin. Just words about the way it is. And for a role that is such a whole-bodied experience, what else is there?

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Absolutely. Yes to honesty and truth and testifying with the whole body.

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Man Jay Caspian King is 0 for 2… did you see the article he wrote for also for the NYer sometime in May about how we are too “obsessed” with sending kids to summer camp? He framed it as 100% a hand-wringing lib parent anxiety issue and NEVER MENTIONED the child care aspect. In a whole ass New Yorker article! He basically argued we should just stop worrying so much (we being women) and let our kids hang out at home for a few weeks. A few weeks? While “we” ostensibly work from home I guess? Which he is assuming “we” ALL do? I guess??? Yeah he is full of bad takes.

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