Feb 19Liked by Amanda Montei

As always, amen. Male anger has always been a woman’s responsibility to absorb, excuse and pacify. Because the alternative would just trigger more anger. Which is why so many say nothing. Of violence. Of war. Of the men who won’t stop screaming in our faces while we master the art of not blinking against the spit.

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This is so so so helpful — this banality is what I’ve been feeling but you helped me see ❤️❤️❤️

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"I like novelty. I believe in it. I’m also skeptical of it. Because sometimes, that is how horrible things keep happening—we become not just numb to them, but so accustomed to trying to make sense of them, that we forget it doesn’t have to be this way." 💥💥💥

I think it's all freaking gross. Not very eloquent, but freaking gross!

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You're so good, as usual, about putting a fine point on the eye roll of it all. To say nothing is to be desensitized, and to say something is to shout into the void. I agree that the obvious consideration is that it doesn't have to be this way, but there's no convincing anyone by speech alone. Perhaps a steady drumbeat of this messaging along with the inevitable playing out of the trajectory we're on will do the trick. We can only hope it's sooner than later.

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what a word banality - thank you

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