Reader, sometimes I pinch myself because I come home to find beautiful books dropped on my porch, and I get to read them. And it’s part of my “job.” I have all of you to thank for that, and recently, I received some very juicy new and forthcoming titles that I have yet to read but am excited to dig into. I’m also getting ready to revisit a few books I’ve read before and a couple of older titles that are new to me. My TBR pile is very high, which means all the possibility in the world is still contained in it. This is perfect, because my goal this summer is utter absorption, of the AHP variety, though I want to make this languishing in text last alllll July, and I am pairing it with writing and swimming at the public pool and trying to enjoy cooking again and running in intense California heat and rethinking my entire life (in a good way!) as I prepare to turn 39 next month.
Before I embark on this quest, I want to share with you some titles I have stacked up, ready to go. Some old, some new, some borrowed, many blue. I am marrying my books this summer, and my writing, and I cannot wait. And I want to hear what you are longing to read. In the Writing Group, we recently shared our current reads, but please now tell me what you have in your want-to-read piles, what’s to come, what you fantasize about sinking into and where you might be when you do it, what you may or may not get to, but hope to, etc.
My kids have been drawing up their reading lists for summer, and I realized, why don’t adults do this, it’s such a lovely ritual. Who cares if we get to all the books, it’s beautiful and exciting to create a whole ecosystem of texts to turn to, whenever we need to dip into another world in the coming months.
Here is my current summer list, will report back on as many as possible: