Hi friends. So much has happened since I stepped back from this space a couple of weeks ago. I started a new book in earnest. I pulled a muscle running and was schooled yet again on the details of having a body. That debate happened. There was an assassination attempt on my birthday and Republicans started wearing little bandages on their ears. And then, we got a new (brat!) candidate. People felt hope and excitement, which is new. Childless cat ladies, etc. In California, summer camps and heat waves have come and gone, and apparently, fall is upon us. It’s been a lot? And I’ve missed you!
I’m slowly coming back, but for now, I want to remind you all that this week is your last chance to upgrade your subscription and lock in the old rate forever.
On August 1, the monthly and yearly price of this newsletter will be $70/year and $7/month. Writing Group subscriptions will now be $199.
If you are already a paid subscriber, nothing will change for you. If you’ve been meaning to subscribe, you can STILL do so NOW at the old price of $50/year or $5/month. Current subscribers and anyone who becomes a paid subscriber before July 31 will be grandmothered into the old rates, so now is the time to get it!
You can read all about the hows and whys of this change here, but TL;DR paid subscriptions sustain this newsletter, and I’m so grateful for your support, and for this community we’ve built together.
I’m working on fun things for regular paid subscribers, including intimate Madwoman At Home essays and virtual salons with other writers. By popular demand, I’m opening up my writing on craft, along with occasional mini-syllabi and writing prompts, to all paid subscribers.
Paid subscribers also continue to get:
Weekly essays on what I’m watching, reading, and doing to survive
Commenting and community privileges
Access to the archive
Discounts on writing classes
If you are a writer of any gender in any genre who is looking for some community around making art in hard times, you might also consider becoming a founding member— aka a Writing Group subscriber.
Writing Group (founding-level) subscribers get:
Monthly check-ins on Zoom
Office hours
Weekly chats with other writers (“gentle accountability” as one subscriber called it), and other ways to connect further to share/ask for resources
Discounts on writing classes and workshops (fall schedule coming soon)
Two virtual residencies per year, one in the spring and one in the fall—these include co-writing sessions, creative prompts, and community threads
Writing group is composed of writers in all genres at all stages—we have memoirists, essayists, fiction writers, and poets, those just starting out and more established writers
Writing Group is separate from a regular paid subscription— again, be sure you select the subscription you want when you upgrade.
I have lots of fun things planned for this fall and beyond, and I’ll be officially back next week. For now, some still-timely writing from the archives: